
Saturday, May 4, 2013

BackYard Farm...Humble Beginnings

Beautiful day today and making lots of progress. The chicken houses and coops are done and inside the base wall of the greenhouse situated between 2 sheds where we've taken up all the space and then some. The chickens have adjusted nicely to their new outdoor abode and we have a fresh new batch of fryer chicks in the aquarium.
  The rabbit cages are being stacked 4 cages high on the side of each of the sheds next to the coops which make up the back of the greenhouse base wall. There will be 2 sets of 4 rabbit cages which should give us plenty for the rabbits we will have initially. They are not quite finished but will be in the next day or 2, we've a few projects going at once.

 We're recycling everything we can get our hands on for this project, and nothing is safe, pallets used wood and even used swimming pools. We found a discarded blow up ring pool like those found at walmart. It's the small kiddie pool that runs about 50 bucks. It seemed to be in usable shape so we brought it home. It's now in position and being filled for fish. We will be using a couple of fish tank aerators and a sump pump to create our water flow and oxygen for the fish for now. We plan to have 2 fish tanks or pools (remember we're upcycling) and the fish we've chosen are yellow perch and a hybrid bass as they are popular fish with fish farmers in our localized area and what I've read about them suggests they are hardy fish and also good to eat(quite tasty). We will be picking up our 1st batch of perch on monday.

 Things are shaping up nicely. The actual base wall and greenhouse itself is roughly 24x28 and encompasses the entire between our 2 existing sheds and comes out into the yard a bit giving us plenty of room to do lots of stuff.

We haven't even begun the plants yet. We won't be growing anything in the ground as traditionally done. Our plans are to grow everything inside of totes barrels, kiddie pools and grow tables that we will build. We are going to line the inside of the base wall with pallets on the inside and fill them with dirt and plant peppers tomatoes and whatever else might go into them and grow well to maximize every inch of space. Once we have things organized and going the next phase will be to incorporate the aquaponics system which will feed all the fish water to the plants and then back to the fish creating a small ecosystem in our greenhouse to fertilize the plants and keep the fish water clean.

We have a long way to go but i'm pleased with our start.. There are many more innovations I plan to incorporate into this backyard system, and I will share them as I get to them, and keep you guys updated. Until then guys, Happy Farming.

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